Upcoming Webinar: Bridging the Digital Divide for Older Adults
May 31, 2023
1:00PM to 1:30PM

Date(s) - 31/05/2023
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Upcoming Webinar: Bridging the Digital Divide for Older Adults
Wednesday, May 31st 1pm-1:30pm ET
Register Here.
Speaker: Dr. Milena Head, Professor of Information Systems – DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University; Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation; Director – McMaster Digital Transformation Research Centre; Academic Director – EMBA Program
Description: As information and communication technologies become increasingly pervasive, those that are left behind in their access and use are highly disadvantaged. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vital importance of increasing digital inclusion as migration to digital life has accelerated. Older adults have frequently been identified as a group in our society that is excluded and marginalized with respect to technology. This presentation will discuss the causes and consequences of the digital divide for older adults and explore means to help bridge this divide to ensure all segments of our population are able to benefit from digital inclusion for health and wellbeing. Guidelines for policy makers will be discussed to ensure digital equity and usable technologies for all.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K_O7lBw1S3itYBuXxqo3vw